What's a Cooperative?

You may be wondering what we mean by “cooperative” and what differences there are in the way we do business. We’re glad you asked, because there are some things we’d love for you to know about us! True Bloom Cooperative, Inc. is a Worker Cooperative registered in California. As a worker cooperative, we are committed to a value-based model for growth that directly benefits our workers, our clients, and our community. Worker and community benefit is at the center of our purpose. 

Our business is owned and managed by the individuals who work here and all of our worker-members have an equal say in our operations and decision-making. Worker-members also share equitably in the profits of the company. While not everyone who works for True Bloom is a member (yet!), because all workers have the opportunity to become a member, this collaborative, meaningful, and equitable environment ensures that workers feel a sense of ownership, are empowered to pursue their interests, and are fairly rewarded for the valuable contributions that they make.

As a result, our workers are positive, committed, creative, and constantly producing new ideas. This means that our clients can expect to consistently experience professional and engaged interactions with those representing True Bloom.